What We Offer

People who excel in their fields seldom fit the normal population.  

The personality traits and individual strengths that make senior people truly successful are the same qualities that require special support and insights from an experienced advisor.  Top tier leaders are resilient, driven, goal-oriented individuals who, in many cases and for many years, have forged ahead without a trusted confidant. 

 The distinguished experts of LPK Consulting are ready to partner with senior leaders to analyze, approach and tackle the human factors embedded in their team and organization.  LPK will help you work through challenges, and set sail toward your desired destination while  building strong, robust teams that will create lasting value within your industry.    

Executive Coaching

No matter which obstacles you’re facing — from achieving seemingly impossible goals, to growing teams, to tricky acquisitions, to integrating the latest technology that works for your business, and everything in between — we can help. Leigh and her team are ready to quickly identify team dynamics and strategize solutions to solve the key issues, making way for successful goal attainment while building human capabilities for the future.

Leigh adapts her coaching process to the culture of each individual, team, or organization, creating a new roadmap with every new assignment’s unique expectations and requirements for success.  The cliché is that it’s lonely at the top.  Well, it is, but it doesn’t have to be. Put your trust in LPK.  

Senior Team and Board Facilitation

Great leaders aren’t afraid to evolve, to learn, to challenge themselves. We’re ready to help them understand what makes them good at what they do and then help transcend mindsets that might hold back progress.

Our executive coaching relationship is designed to achieve the client’s business goals through uncompromising trust and support while teams drive transformation.  

We create situation-specific solutions supported by qualitative and quantitative measurements of leader behavior and the psychology of the human experience.  It is a life changing journey with LPK. 

Aspirational C-Suite Coaching

We at LPK Consulting imagine growing extremely skilled coach psychologists to meet the demands of future senior leaders.  The need is great for more expert consultants that can meet the C-Suite standards with courageous, intimate and trusting relationships.

We bring a data-driven, robust, daring, trustworthy approach to the development of future consultants.  Increasing successful decision making to drive the creation of  growth-oriented people and organizations can have lasting benefits on our world.

Partial Client List

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